spooks (Season 3)


Original Titel: spooks (Season 3)
Übersetzter Titel: spooks (Season 3)
Land: UK
Genre: Drama / Thriller

Inhaltsangabe: 17. Reingelegt
(Project Friendly Fire)

Nachdem Tom auf seinen Chef Sir Harry Pearce geschossen hat, ist er wie vom Erdboden verschwunden. Spätestens jetzt gilt er als Verräter. Darüber hinaus soll er den Chef der British Armed Forces getötet haben. Geheimdienstkoordinator Oliver Mace setzt eine Untersuchung durch, bei der alle Mitarbeiter des MI5 auf Herz und Nieren geprüft werden. Zoe, Danny und das gesamte Team müssen jetzt beweisen, dass Tom unschuldig ist.

MI5 is in crisis.
Agent Tom Quinn has disappeared, having shot his superior Harry Pearce. Tom also stands accused of assassinating the Chief of The Defence Staff [see Series 2, Episode 10].
Could this be the perfect opportunity for conspirators in the darker corners of Government to overhaul the organisation? Or is there still time for Tom to be proved innocent?
Oliver Mace is chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee. When he hears of Tom's actions, he seizes the opportunity to take control of Britain's homeland Intelligence Service. But what are his true motives?
With the Prime Minister's backing Mace launches an investigation into MI5. Mace claims that MI5 is 'rotten to the core'. Can he succeed in depriving the organisation of its independence? Or will a familiar face from the past save the day?
Danny, Zoe and the rest of the team, under intense watch, manage to skip surveillance and meet to discuss what to do. They must inform Harry, who is appalled to learn of this "conspiracy, in the darker corners of Government" and their crass intention to "modernise the intelligence services".
Harry's contacted by Tom Quinn. Tom's been living undercover as a homeless man since he was last seen wading into the sea. Tom tells Harry that MI5's only hope of survival is to prove that Tom was innocent.
A few hours later the body of the man, Herman Joyce, who Tom claimed set him up in revenge turns up on the steps of Thames House - Tom has murdered him but is this proof enough that Tom was innocent?
Mace doesn't think so. So the battle for control continues. Tom, Zoe and new recruit Adam entice Herman's wife, yet to know her husband is dead, into coming over to the UK. Despite Mace's attempts to throw them off the scent of Carmen, they track her down to a flat. She's in on the revenge plot against Tom - but realising Herman's dead, she shoots herself.
No matter as the team have recorded her every word. Tom is in the clear and back at MI5. But so is Mace...

Deutsche Erstausstrahlung: 27.12.2008 FOX

18. Der Sleeper
(The Sleeper)

Harry reaktiviert einen "Schläfer": Es handelt sich um Fred Roberts, einen allseits geachteten Ingenieur. Was die Öffentlichkeit nicht weiß: Roberts ist vor vielen Jahren mit dem MI5 einen Handel eingegangen. Der Geheimdienst hat seine Karriere beschleunigt und nun muss Roberts seine Schuld begleichen. Die Agenten des MI5 sind auf der Jagd nach skrupellosen Terroristen und wollen Roberts als Köder einsetzen.

Harry Pearce reawakens a 'sleeper': Fred Roberts, renowned chemical engineer, Nobel Prize winner and happy family man. Fred sold his soul to MI5 over twenty years ago in return for a helping hand on the career ladder.
Over the years this pact has become nothing more than a faded memory, but the time has come for Fred to repay his debt.
Harry and the team are running Operation Flytrap - they want to spread the lie that Fred has made Red Mercury, a lethal trigger for explosives, in order to attract terrorist groups. Harry approaches Fred, who is unwilling to sacrifice the happy and secure life he has made for himself. But Harry makes him an offer he can't refuse - don't co-operate and your life and reputation will be systematically ruined.
Tom, Zoe and Danny convince Fred that he has no choice. They have already dealt with his financial affairs: Fred is now in serious debt, desperate for money and would go to any lengths - including selling Red Mercury. Fred cracks and agrees. His wife, ignorant of the truth, flees the family home believing Fred is a gambling addict with debts and a vicious streak. Tom seems to be relishing forcing this man to become MI5 bait. He dismisses Harry's request to keep an eye on Fred's emotional wellbeing.
Meanwhile, Zoe has taken a liking to Will North, a photographer she catches skulking around. After he's been checked, she doesn't hold back from having a passionate fling.
Soon enough Fred is approached by a terrorist suspect. He's offering $5 million for 5 grams of Red Mercury. Fred is warned - if it turns out he has dealings with MI5, his family is dead. The team trace the man - he's a chemistry postgraduate student, Lawrence Sayle, and his connection: he's part of the Syrian Secret Service and has Al-Qaeda sensibilities.
Fred begins to fall apart under the strain. Then cracks appear in Tom - he's beginning to care about what this is doing to Fred and his family. He pleads with Harry to put Fred's family into a safe house. Harry is unmoved. The family stays where they are, but Fred is to be told they are safe. Tom's increasingly troubled by Fred's exploitation. Harry refuses to cancel Operation Flytrap and Tom takes the decision into his own hands.
The team catch up with Fred agrees to return with them. Harry is forced to de-commission Tom from the Service. His career with MI5 is over.
Back at the lab, Lawrence Sayle comes to collect his Red Mercury and falls into a sting headed by Adam Carter. Operation Flytrap has been a success and Fred is free. So is Tom, who takes one last look at Thames House before he walks away for good.

Deutsche Erstausstrahlung: 01.01.2009 FOX

19. Ein Bauernopfer
(Who Guards The Guards?)

Danny ist mit dem Personenschutz des umstrittenen Schriftstellers Zuli beauftragt, über den eine Fatwa verhängt wurde. Kurz darauf schießt ein Heckenschütze auf Zuli und verfehlt ihn. Zuli gibt dem MI5 und insbesondere Danny die Schuld an dem Attentat. Wenig später macht Adam jedoch eine Entdeckung: Der Schuss hat zwar Zuli nicht getroffen, ging dafür aber nur haarscharf an dessen Freund Harakat vorbei.

Danny, on Close Quarter Protection, is shaken when his charge is shot at. The charge: Zuli, a controversial writer living in Britain under a fatwa. Zuli survives but immediately sacks MI5, appalled at how they - especially Danny - could have allowed this to happen.
On closer examination Adam picks up on something crucial - the hitman missed his target, but almost hit the innocent Harakat, bookseller and friend to Zuli. Surely a professional hitman wouldn't make such an error? Following through his hunch, Adam tasks an unconvinced Danny to put Close Quarter Protection on Harakat.
The team track down the hitman to a house in East London. They watch and wait, but nothing. He doesn't move an inch. Ruth uncovers the application for UK citizenship Harakat filled in 20 years ago - it reads like a bad legend and the team are immediately suspicious. Harry goes to see his MI6 colleague, the shady Oliver Mace. Mace denies any dodgy dealings, but Harry is irresolute.
Meanwhile, Zoe is forging a relationship with Will, the photographer - to Danny's slight consternation.
The team receive a photograph from an anonymous source - it's Mace talking to the head of a Pakistani terror group a couple of years ago. MI5 are worried. Why were they meeting? Harry puts Adam in touch with a source who will shed some light on the photo. But it's vital the identity of the source is kept secret. The team launch an elaborate surveillance detection route in the hope Adam will make it to the meet without being followed.
Mace, desperate to stop Adam talking to the source, does his best to outsmart MI5 - but he's no match for Adam.
Adam, unfollowed, meets the source and she's a senior government official. She reveals that Harakat is in fact a double agent, working for both Pakistan and MI6. The situation is now too hot and MI6 have cut a deal to allow him to be 'removed'. The hitman they are watching is only a decoy. The real one is out there now.
Can the team get to Danny and Harakat before the hitman? But Danny, who has forged a deep friendship with his charge, is out of contact. Adam races on foot to get to him - but it is too late - the hitman has got there first and much to Danny's horror, Harakat is shot dead in front of him.
Mace is unrepentant - as he tells Harry, post 9/11, no-one is off limits.

Deutsche Erstausstrahlung: 09.01.2009 FOX

20. Ein Gebet für meine Tochter
(A Prayer For My Daughter)

Die Nahost-Friedenskonferenz findet ein abruptes Ende, als Patricia Norton, die Verhandlungsführerin der Vereinten Nationen, plötzlich von einem Unbekannten in ihrem Wagen entführt wird. Der MI5 beginnt sofort mit den Ermittlungen. Schnell gerät der Medienmagnat David Swift ins Visier der Agenten. Der Verdächtige ist bekanntermaßen israelischer Extremist, der einen palästinensischen Staat um jeden Preis verhindern will.

The latest round of Middle East peace talks are abruptly halted when Patricia Norton, the UN Chief Negotiator, disappears, derailing the peace process. She has been abducted in her car by an unknown man.
One of the last things Patricia said to Adam was that he should investigate David Swift, the newspaper mogul, neo-conservative and renowned Israeli extremist. Swift is associated with a group called the November Committee - their intention being to block any Middle East 'solution' which provides a Palestinian state.
Meanwhile, Danny and Zoe are undercover in the Palestinian Freedom Campaign investigating the flamboyant, left wing MP and chairman of the Campaign, Nicholas Ashworth. They are looking into accusations that his Campaign is a front for channelling funds to Palestinian Terror Groups.
The team are surprised to uncover that one of the campaigners is Harry's estranged daughter, Catherine.
Then Patricia's dead body is found. Adam, shocked by her death, follows up her tip about Swift and the November Committee.
The team discover that there is an undercover agent in the Campaign - and it's not one of theirs. They also discover a list of prominent figures the November Committee would like 'removed'. Patricia was one - Ashworth another. His life is in danger.
Zoe ropes in her boyfriend, Will, to take some photos of Ashford and his secret boyfriend, Richard. Will, smitten with Zoe, proposes. She is hesitant at first but then agrees. Little does she realise that Will's seemingly friendly brother Andy has stolen a photo of Ashworth and Richard that he's found in Will's flat. A photo that later gets into MI5 hands...
Catherine is suspected to be the undercover agent working for Swift and Danny is tasked to stay close to her and find out the truth. Difficult. Not only because she's Harry's daughter, but because he fancies her. To Danny's relief he finds out she's actually collecting evidence against Swift. They sleep together.
Adam sends in Fiona - his wife and MI6 agent - to attempt to seduce Swift. The team are also tailing him and he soon meets with someone - could it be the agent? It's Richard, Ashworth's boyfriend! The relationship is a cover and the pillow talk has been Swift's information source. Richard wants revenge for his sister's death in Israel at the hands of a Palestine bomb. But MI5 beat him to it. Ashworth is saved.
Catherine learns the truth and has a bittersweet reunion with Harry. But what of Fiona and her Swift seduction? Nothing happened - but the evidence suggests otherwise. GBH and attempted rape? - Swift has no choice but to leave the country...

(53 Min.)
Deutsche Erstausstrahlung: 15.01.2009 FOX

21. Requiem für das Leben
(Love And Death)

Ruth entdeckt per Zufall die Liebe ihres Lebens. Sam ermutigt sie daraufhin, ein Treffen mit ihrem Traummann in die Wege zu leiten. Zoe und ihr Verlobter Will befinden sich unterdessen noch immer im Siebten Himmel. Als Zoe mit Danny vom MI5 auf eine Nordseemission geschickt wird, ist es mit der Idylle plötzlich vorbei: Schließlich geht es bei ihrem Auftrag darum, einen möglichen biochemischen Krieg zu verhindern.

Saturday morning. Danny and Colin practice their firing technique on MI5's gun range. Zoe and fiancé Will are still madly in love. Ruth watches old movies at home whilst longing for real-life romance.
Ruth receives a package of tapes from Malcolm featuring a man they are bugging as part of their housekeeping surveillance. She is rumbled on the Grid by Sam: she's spending more time than necessary listening to the tapes. From listening to the tapes she knows everything about him, and he's perfect for her. Sam, under instruction from Harry to keep a close eye on her, encourages Ruth to meet him... but does Ruth have the courage to start a relationship with him?
Zoe and Danny, tension building between them thanks to her relationship with Will, are tasked to 'play scarecrow'. They are to follow scientist Dr Newland onto a North Sea ferry headed for Kristiansand. They have to warn him off meeting a contact in Norway who they believe will fund Newland's research into pneumonic plague.
MI5 has learnt that Newland is perfecting a process which will enable him to mass produce and deliver the plague to a large population. This means biochemical warfare.
It's not until Zoe and Danny are half way across the North Sea that MI5 get wind of a fact that changes everything. Newland isn't planning to do a deal to fund his research, the deal's already been done. He's planning to sell the stuff. This changes things radically and Danny and Zoe find themselves being instructed by Adam and Harry to assassinate this man.
Zoe and Danny are shocked to find that they've already been provided with a lethal injection kit to use on Newland. They feel betrayed by Harry and Adam. They don't want to carry out the task - cold-blooded murder is not part of the job description or their moral code.
With Zoe suffering from severe seasickness, the task falls on Danny's shoulders. Adam persuades him that one death is worth the potential loss of lives caused by the biochemical warfare. Danny has little choice but to carry out the task. But the deed looks set to alter him forever.
Meanwhile, Ruth engineers an opportunity to meet her mystery man. They seem to 'click' but she is saddened that he doesn't ask her out and this opportunity for love is lost.
Back from the mission, Danny is forced to come clean to Zoe that Will's brother knows she's a spy. Devastated, she confronts Will. He denies it, but she is inconsolable. She ends the relationship.

(53 Min.)
Deutsche Erstausstrahlung: 22.01.2009 FOX

22. Der Prozess

Bei einem von Zoe geleiteten Einsatz kommt ein Undercover-Ermittler der Polizei ums Leben. Zoe wird vor Gericht gestellt und muss sich wegen Totschlags verantworten. Während des Prozesses wird der genaue Ablauf der Geheimdienst-Operation rekonstruiert: Zoe hatte eine Bande türkischer Waffenschmuggler infiltriert, um einen Keil zwischen den Boss Celenk und seine rechte Hand Ozal zu treiben. Mit zweifelhaftem Erfolg.

Zoe is in the firing line when an operation goes badly wrong. An undercover police officer - posing as a gang member in a gun-running scam - is shot dead, leaving a grieving widow and a lot of unanswered questions.
With an election on the horizon, the Government is keen to be seen to be clamping down on such activities that suggest the Security Services are above the law. Zoe finds herself as the scapegoat for MI5 and is charged with conspiracy to murder.
A tearful and frightened Zoe goes to see ex-fiancé Will, who is still adamant that he didn't tell his brother she was a spy. She admits she's in trouble and pleads with him for comfort. He has no idea of the enormity of the situation, but they are reunited.
In court, it is revealed that Zoe was attempting to infiltrate a Turkish mafiosa gun-running gang. The plan was for her to form a wedge between the boss Celenk and his weak sidekick Ozal using her feminine charms, with the intention of unravelling the scam.
But Zoe soon discovered that Celenk was a nasty piece of work and she was genuinely scared. She asked Harry and Adam to be taken off the operation. Request denied.
Zoe continued to play the two ganglords off against each other. Ozal, fuelled by drink, drugs and sexual jealousy, took the bait to extremes. Encouraged by Zoe's cojoling, he was whipped into a frenzy which resulted in him shooting Celenk and the undercover policeman, even after the latter's true identity was revealed.
Zoe, under direction from Harry, lies in court - they were not aware there was an undercover policeman in place and the plan had never included the death of Celenk.
But Zoe admits the whole truth to Danny. She had been briefed by Harry and Adam that not only did Celenk have Al-Qaeda connections but that assassination had always been an option - facts she cannot reveal in court.
Under pressure and frightened, Zoe had actively encouraged Ozal to pull the trigger on his boss and had made the potential death of Celenk a reality for her own ends.
Harry, convinced Zoe will just receive a rap on the knuckles, is horrified when she is found guilty on all charges. A bit of blackmail at Government level and he has secured a 'disappearance' for her. A devastated Danny finds himself persuading Zoe to leave the country, her family, friends and Will, under a new legend. A tearful goodbye and she is gone.

(53 Min.)
Deutsche Erstausstrahlung: 29.01.2009 FOX

23. Die Außenseiter

Als im Land das Chaos ausbricht wird das Team des MI5 in Alarmbereitschaft versetzt: Medikamente wurden mit tödlicher Säure versetzt, Daten von Girokonten wurden gelöscht und automatische Ampelsysteme manipuliert. Hacker haben offensichtlich das hochsensible öffentliche IT-System des Landes umprogrammiert. Aber wer sind sie und was ist ihr Ziel?

The team are thrown into emergency mode when chaos starts to envelop the country. Benign medicines have been laced with lethal acid. Bank balances are being wiped out. Automated traffic systems malfunction at will. Hackers have infiltrated highly sensitive systems to cause mayhem, but who are they and what do they want?
Danny is devastated at losing Zoe from his life. Struggling to suppress his bitterness at work he also has to contend with Will's bewilderment and growing anger. Will is demanding to know where Zoe is and threatens to go the press, despite having signed the Official Secrets Act. Danny advises him that bringing the issue out into the open will only serve to have Zoe sought out and incarcerated.
Meanwhile, the Government are sticking with the theory that the hackers are Muslim terrorists despite evidence to the contrary. The former theory suits them better in the current climate...
Colin Wells, with help from GCHQ computer expert Andrew Forrestal, manages to locate the hacker to the Muslim Cultural Centre. But a raid reveals nothing. The hacker is in the area, just not there... and what's more, he has to be an 'insider'. But who is it?
Ruth's research uncovers the fact that the Islam words used by the hacker are only copied from an original source. The hacker isn't Muslim, but they do have a keen interest in its history and language.
Andrew Forrestal catches the eye of Ruth and she's thrilled when he invites her for a meal. Over dinner he quotes Islamic literature and the horror slowly dawns on Ruth - Andrew is the hacker. She makes a run for it but is caught. Andrew's bitterness at having his technical genius go unrecognised has turned into something considerably deadlier. He helped create an unsurpassed hacking device but received no credit.
Back at Thames House the team receive a demand for £100 million in diamonds. Not yet realising Ruth is held hostage, they lace the diamonds in poison. Just in time, they get to Ruth's house - Andrew's touched the diamonds and is dead.
Danny takes Andrew's laptop containing the hacking device and throws it into the Thames. The Goverment is only too keen to get their hands on it and wreak havoc with the power and this can't be allowed.
Back at home, Danny receives a postcard from Zoe. Hidden within is a photograph of Zoe and Will together in Chile. Danny knows he made the right decision to finally tell Will everything, despite being advised not to by Harry.

(52 Min.)
Deutsche Erstausstrahlung: 05.02.2009 FOX

24. Kidnapping

Als das Baby eines berühmten Paares entführt wird, nimmt sich das MI5 des Falles an. Fiona wird als Undercover-Agentin eingesetzt und merkt schnell, dass irgendetwas an dem Fall nicht stimmt. Um herauszufinden, was die Stars verschweigen, versucht sie das Vertrauen des Pärchens zu gewinnen. Sehr zu Adams Missfallen erhält sie schon bald brisante Informationen.

The baby son of rock star and popular icon Riff is kidnapped during a party. Oliver Mace, chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee, insists MI5 are drawn into a high-profile investigation - the Government feels the child's recovery is vital to national security.
The team find themselves immersed in the drug-fuelled and self-obsessed world of a so-called glamorous couple; Riff and his wife, model Miss B. The truth is they are hanging on to their fast-fading success by a thread and Riff was only recently knighted so the Government could attempt to look 'cool'.
Meanwhile, Government Minister John Sylvester calls on old friend Harry. He's attacked his mistress after she threatened to do a kiss-and-tell. The woman turns up dead and Harry forces him to sign a resignation letter. Mace intercepts the letter and persuades Sylvester that the salacious story will be buried amongst the bigger news that Riff's baby has been found. The Government will not be allowed to fall because of this.
Fiona is sent in to Riff's house undercover and ingratiates herself into Miss B's life by taking copious amounts of cocaine with her, despite Malcolm providing her with a fake substitute. Adam demands she is pulled out but Harry considers her an operational asset.
Miss B's reluctance to allow MI5 bugging devices and phone taps in her house make the team suspicious. And the woman who distracted the baby's security guard on the the night of the kidnap has been identified - she's an associate of Ponti - known heroin smuggler and ex-road manager to Riff.
The case against Miss B is looking strong but then the operation takes a horrific turn. The baby has been found dead just yards from the house. Could Miss B be involved in the death of her own son? To make matters worse, the story's all over the papers - released by the Downing Street press office.
Back at the house, Miss B admits all to Fiona. She planned the kidnapping in order to get much-needed publicity for herself and Riff. The baby died accidently during the kidnapping and now Ponti, the 'kidnapper', is blackmailing her.
Riff is devastasted to find out the truth and in a frenzy of drugs, alcohol and grief, the situation escalates. He stabs Ponti and Miss B. Fiona reveals her true identity and Riff knocks her out. The team arrive on the scene, but it is too late - Riff shoots himself. The subsequent press story is run as 'Stars Suicide Pact'....
Meanwhile, Sylvester resigns, citing a desire to 'spend more time with his family'. But the team aren't done. Harry and Adam instruct the tabloids to break the real story of Sylvester at an appropriate time in the near future, say during the next election...?

(52 Min.)
Deutsche Erstausstrahlung: 12.02.2009 FOX

25. Schmutzige Methoden
(Frequently Asked Questions)

Der ehemalige Söldner Robert Morgan wird bei einem stillgelegten streng geheimen sowjetischen Waffenlager gesehen und vom MI5 festgesetzt. Dort ist auf mysteriöse Art und Weise eine Rakete verschwunden. Alles deutet darauf hin, dass jemand einen verheerenden Anschlag in London plant. Morgan weiß, wer den Anschlag verüben will und wann er stattfinden soll. Aber er verweigert die Aussage.

MI5's suspicions are aroused when Robert Morgan, a known mercenary, is seen visiting a top secret disused Soviet arms dump whilst under routine surveillance.
Morgan is brought in and during questioning it becomes clear that he is more significant than could have been imagined. The team have found a laser target missile designator - but another one is missing. They've got 72 hours to stop the guided missile reaching its target in central London. But what is the target and why?
Meanwhile, Harry confides in Ruth that he has been invited to apply for the MI5 Director General position. Ruth offers to help him prepare for the interview.
Back at Thames House, Adam and Danny, under immense time pressure, begin the interrogation of Morgan. Morgan claims that he's just a private courier and knows nothing. He's lying. Danny goes for a mercenary's weakspot - money. He offers him money for the information. It doesn't work. He threatens to ruin his life. It doesn't work.
They decide to put him in a stress position - aka torture. Sleep deprivation and a constant siren in his cell drive him half mad. Toxins in his water bring on severe food poisoning. The team is uncomfortable with this, except Adam, who, despite having been tortured and interrogated himself, feels that the ends justify the means.
Meanwhile, the team have uncovered a link between Morgan's bank account deposits and an oil company. Fiona makes contact with an oil company bigwig and uses the knowledge of her extra-marital affair to blackmail her for information. She comes up trumps - the source reveals that Morgan is employed by the company. But what could they require a missile for? - to 'remove' a London-based rival company from the bidding of a multi-billion pound oil pipeline route deal.
But despite the torture, Morgan, well-versed in anti-interrogation techniques, will not reveal the whereabouts of the designator. Will the team go as far as to use his ill daughter to make him talk? Adam has no such qualms. Morgan has no choice - he tells them where it is and the potential catastrophic strike is alleviated.
Back at Thames House, Harry hears that he didn't get the Director job. But he's not disappointed because he wants to continue working on ground level. However, he isn't happy that a 'politician' got it instead...

(60 Min.)
Deutsche Erstausstrahlung: 19.02.2009 FOX

26. Machtlos
(The Suffering of Strangers)

Diesen Geburtstag wird Fiona nicht so schnell vergessen: Die routinemäßige Abhöraktion eines Hauses, in dem man Terroristen nordafrikanischer Abstammung vermutet, wird für sie und ihren Kollegen Danny zum Alptraum. Aus dem Nichts erscheint die Gang rund um ihren Anführer Ahmed und nimmt die beiden Agenten als Geiseln. Die Entführer fordern den sofortigen Abzug britischer Einheiten aus dem Irak.

Unbeknown to Adam and Fiona, their house is being bugged and they are being watched. It appears that they have been targeted - but by who and why?
Back at Thames House, Danny and Fiona are teamed up to perform a routine bugging operation on a house MI5 suspects is being used by North African terrorists. It's Fiona's birthday, but the day is not destined to be a happy one.
A gang, led by Ahmed, appears from nowhere and takes them both hostage - it's the same people who've been watching her. The demand for their release - nothing less than a commitment from the Government to immediately withdraw from Iraq. The Prime Minister must announce this tonight or the hostages are dead.
Danny and Fiona are calm until they are shown a photograph of their dead undercover agent. They are threatended with a nasty death - burned alive, and a gun is aimed at Fiona's son Wes in his school playground. She is asked to choose between him and her husband. She has no choice but to lure Adam in to one of the abductors, Khatera.
Ruth, suspicious, alerts Harry and they soon realise they are on the trail of three missing officers. A desperate Harry attempts to persuade the Government to help. But they won't allow terrorists to dictate Government foreign policy and the hostages are not 'civilians'...
Meanwhile, Danny and Fiona attempt to escape, but when they fail one of them faces imminent death. Adam is forced to choose which one dies. Before Adam answers, Danny, resigned to his fate and with seemingly nothing to lose, tells Ahmed where to go. Fiona begs him to be quiet, but it is too late. Furious, Ahmed shoots him. Danny is dead.
The team, patched in, hear the whole thing. Harry orders that Adam and Khatera are brought in. But Adam has his own plan - he goes along with Khatera's demand to get into the PM's dinner event that evening.
The team realise with horror that Fiona is only a decoy. The gang are actually targetting the PM himself. Khatera is a suicide bomber, with explosives and poison sewn into her body, and Ahmed has the detonator.
But she's starting to panic about her decision and Adam jumps at his last chance, alterting security not to allow the PM to enter. He begs her to tell him where Fiona is.
Ahmed, realising he's been let down, covers Fiona in petrol and holds the lighter towards her. Just in time, the SAS storm the building and shoot him.
Adam and Fiona are reunited, and Harry and Ruth collect Danny's dead body.

Deutsche Erstausstrahlung: 26.02.2009 FOX 
Länge: Minuten
Video Format: DVD - Regional Code 2 - PAL -- 5 DVD(s)
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